A redesign of the template for the KUSF Top 20 Currents list, which is posted biweekly onto the KUSF Instagram account. I wanted to make the post engaging for viewers, with hopes that it would be interesting enough for followers to stop and read the list rather than scroll right past it.
The yellow currents list to the right was not designed by me and is what it looked like before.

Verticalbanner ad for the SF weekly

Horizontal banner ad for the SF Weekly

Horizontal ad for the SF Guardian

SF Guardian advertisement for the KUSF Rock 'N Swap

Poster series for the KUSF Rock 'N Swap

Poster series for the KUSF Rock 'N Swap

KUSF wasn't always online. From 1963-2011 they were a non-commercial FM radio station. They did not launch their app until Fall 2015, my first undergraduate semester at USF. I took the opportunity to assist them in designing the app's first edition. As you can see, it was pretty rough and basic.
This is how the app stands today (Winter 2019)
We plan to keep updating and improving it.
But it's functional!
As you can see, we love Futura.
We try to stay on brand with the station's humor.

'Lil promos for my afternoon radio show back in 2017.

From an interview with Luz Mendoza from Y La Bamba
All of us directors at KUSF are just a bunch of Halloween enthusiasts. Here are some of our shenanigans caught on film from our trip to CBI (College Broadcasters Inc.) in Seattle, October 2018.